We're making an impact. Our robotic collaboration technology can be used across numerous sectors. At the forefront, Pheratech is poised to enact real, life-saving change.
School Safety
in development
Border Patrol
in development
Disaster Relief
U.S. Defense
Pheratech's robotic systems utilize on-board artificial intelligence processing systems for de-centralized processing, where each unit can make and enact decisions independently, but also communicate with the swarm as necessary. Our novel Stratis Protocol integrates boid-inspired movement with pheromone tracking to harness adaptive swarm intelligence. By dynamically adjusting agent behavior based on pheromone gradients, local interactions, and environmental stimuli, it enables highly responsive, self-organizing navigation.
Pheratech's School Shooter detection, analysis and response system. Nests (housing) of Drones are placed around campus that can be used for regular patrol, event security, and incident response. Advanced vision models allow for detection of behaviors and weapons, and swarm-intelligent AI allows for individualized decision making with group collaboration capabilities.
Onboard AI-processing is necessary for decentralized intelligence. While some items are sent to the server for processing, as in classical swarm robotics, directional, fine motor and speed decisions are made by the onboard computing systems. The onboard artificial intelligence allows for the systems to continue operating, even through a loss of signal.
Adaptive and Custom Command Hub: Our adaptive command hub is tailored for each client, allowing a single operator to seamlessly view and control the status of every robotic unit. This centralized interface also enables efficient management of maintenance and health checks for each individual robot, ensuring optimal system performance.
Fast and Responsive: Our control hub communicates with every robotic unit in seconds, enabling near-instant command interpretation and precise execution. This low-latency system ensures seamless coordination and efficiency across all units.
Individualized: Each robot is operable via intuitive human controls, while the entire swarm can be managed through pheromone-inspired signals or natural language commands. This adaptive control system ensures that even beginners perform like seasoned pros!